Thursday 17 April 2014

The Buzz Tour - Interview with Eve Carnall

Eve Carnall is about to set off on a four month journey, across the length and breadth of England. In this interview, she talks about her science background, her work at the Environment Agency and the motivations for her journey.

To find out more visit her blog -

Twitter - @buzztour

email -

divestment -

Check out this episode!

Monday 14 April 2014

Swarms, Nucs and Packages - and summer bee events

Recorded about 4am, so please excuse me if I sound a little sleepy...

I talk about the weekend course just completed at Brinscall Hall, Lancashire, and the other things happening there this year, including the Friends of the Bees Northern Gathering in August. See for training and for events.

Then follows a bit of a rant about AI queens; the evils of packages, and the inflated prices charged by bee breeders.


Check out this episode!