Tuesday 27 August 2013

Findhorn: a conversation with co-founder Dorothy Maclean

I recently visited the Findhorn community, near Inverness, to help them build a top bar hive and talk about natural beekeeping.

The first voice is that of 92-year-old Dorothy Maclean, the only survivor of the original group of three  - the other two being Eileen and Peter Caddy - who started what became the Findhorn community just over 50 years ago. You can find out more about Findhorn on their website - findhorn.org

Today's podcast is an edited version of my conversation with Dorothy and two of her carers, Marilyn and Jo.

I also recorded conversations with two other long-standing members of the community - Craig Gibsone and Kijedo - which will form either one or two future podcasts, depending on how the editing pans out.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Inner Beekeeping

Recorded at the 2013 Friends of the Bees unConvention.

'Inner Beekeeping' is about the way our interactions with bees affects us internally. Everyone's experience may be different, yet there is a lot of commonality.

A wide-ranging discussion, unfortunately with some intrusive background noise at times.

Check out this episode!