Wednesday, 29 January 2020

How Much Comb in Three Weeks? - Top Bar Hive 1st Check-up

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Channel: SSLFamilyDad  

How much honey and comb can the bees build in just 3-4 weeks? Check out the first hive inspection on our top-bar hive here on the SSL Family Homestead.

It has been a few weeks and I want to get in the hive and make sure everything is going ok. Well, honestly I just want to see what they are up to in there! I got my smoker all filled up and started and dawned my veil, jacket, and gloves. This will be the first time I have really been in the hive since I took out the queen and I am a novice so things could get interesting!

I opened the hive and the first thing I noticed was we had a freeloader! There was a small yellow jacket or hornets nest in the under side of the lid. No worries, it feels good to rip the nest out of the hive with all my protective gear on, finally I can fight the hornets without getting stung, this suit might come in handy!

All the feeders were empty, good sign there I think. As soon as I started moving the top bars I could tell the bees had been working hard in there. There were 5 top bars loaded with honeycomb, honey, pollen, and brood. This is a good sign and all seems well in the hive. I even got to take a small piece of comb and honey out that was attached to the side as a snack for the girls.

I moved the top bars around a bit and took out the feeders as they are no longer needed in the mid summer months. I opened up about 4 more top bars for them to build on and they still had another 4-5 on the other side. I am thinking I will need to open up more towards the end of July, in about 6 weeks.

The hive looks great and all seems to be well, I can't wait to get in and check on them again!

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Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Video length: 11:27
Category: Howto & Style

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